(English) Herens Martinus Lumatalale
Sedang dalam tahanan

Tanggal Lahir
Tanggal Penahanan01/12/2019
Ringkasan Kasus
KeprihatinanPenahanan sewenang-wenang, Penganiayaan dalam tahanan, Tiada surat penahahan
Ambil Tindakan

Mr Lumatalale is a farmer. At the time of his arrest, he and 22 other individuals were walking from their villages to Fakfak City to participate in the commemoration of West Papua’s national day. He was arrested by Fakfak Police Resort without a warrant. He was sentenced to one year in jail.

He was 44 years old in 2020.

At the time of his arrest, Mr Lumatalale and 22 other individuals were walking from their villages to Fakfak City to participate in the commemoration of West Papua’s national day. While taking a break en route, the group was surrounded by security forces, who proceeded to chase, shoot at, and arrest them. Security forces accused Mr Lumatalale, along with each of the other individuals, of planning to attend a West Papuan Morning Star flag-raising ceremony.
